Golf Handicap Mobile App

Date Created: August 2020

The golf handicap app is a mobile app that allows users to track their golf handicap, using the World Golf Association Handicap System. The app is built using Angular and NativeScript, which is a framework which is written using Typescript and compiles to run natively on mobile devices. The backend portion of the application is done using Firebase, mostly for it's ease of use and low cost.

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The user's handicap is computed using the World Golf Association Handicap System, and is computed using a Firebase Cloud Function that processes all scores you've submitted. This allows for a serverless app environment, easy to maintain code, and "hassle-free" backend development.

NativeScript allows for the use of native components, like date pickers and switches, which provides a very native experience for the user.


One major hiccup with this project is being able to build for iOS. While Android applications can be developed in any development environment (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), iOS applications must be compiled on a macOS computer. Unfortunately I don't have access to such a machine, so being able to build the app for iOS was impossible.

One issue I struggled with was the fact that the golf handicap is a needlessly complicated calculation, so performing the computation in a way that is accurate was actually quite the challenge. The World Golf Association Handicap documentation is over 100 pages long, so combing through that to find the pertinent details was cumbersome and difficult. There is still many caveats to implement, but as it stands, it performs a mostly accurate calculation.