Battle Hummer

Date Created: March 2020

The Battle Hummer involved creating an interactive game, where players could drive a "battle hummer" around a city. This project was a term project for CPSC3710 - Introduction to Computer Graphics.

Source Code

Tech Stack


The design for the "battle hummer" was inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck. The project requirements stated that the battle hummer had to have an antenna, so we added a cube encircled by a triple ring constellation. Overall, we were very pleased with how the truck turned out!


In addition to the battle hummer, we also had to model 3 types of buildings. These buildings had... odd requirements, but requirements are requirements, so 🤷‍♂️

When actually running the program, users can navigate around the city using the arrow keys. The blocks are generated randomly at compile-time, and include up to 3 buildings of any type. We devised a simple randomization algorithm to populate the blocks.

Additionally, users can change the camera angle by using F1 - F12, or Home for a Top-Down view


While the scope of this project was relatively small (made smaller due to the COVID-19 pandemic closing down the University), there were still some challenges to overcome.


This project was developed by Everett Blakley an Logan Wilkie